How old is the most scientific time for weaning? Don’t let the age of weaning spread crazily on the internet pit the child!

Xiaolan, a 27-year-old housewife, got to know her husband during college. After graduation, the two married naturally. Later, because the old man in the family was anxious to hold his grandson, Xiao Lan actively prepared for pregnancy and conceived a child, and then gave birth to a baby boy. The family was very happy.

However, when the baby was 8 months old, Xiaolan's mother-in-law asked for the baby to be weaned, and said that this was the best weaning age circulated online. If the baby was not weaned at this time, the baby would not eat well in the future. But Xiaolan feels that the time is too short. If the baby is weaned at this time, it may cause malnutrition.

Therefore, the two people had an argument, which also caused the onlookers of the next-door neighbors. A group of people also have different opinions on the age of weaning when persuading. Only later did Xiaolan's husband come back to stop the farce.


It is believed that in life, many friends may encounter similar scenes, and there are differences between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law over the weaning age of the baby, leading to arguments. In addition, there are also families that have different views on the natural weaning and artificial weaning of babies, so the public said that the public was justified, and the woman said that the woman was justified, which caused a lot of unhappiness.

So, for babies, is it better to wean naturally or artificially?

As we all know, raising children is very difficult. From the birth of a baby to adulthood, parents need to devote great efforts, even if it is a little trivial, they strive to do their best. Parents and friends are also thinking carefully about the weaning method for fear of adverse effects on children. So, which is better, natural weaning or artificial weaning?


The so-called natural weaning is to wean the baby according to its own pace, which is a gradual process. Artificial weaning is the subjective consciousness of adults, who decide not to breastfeed at any time of the baby. However, the baby may not be ready for it.

Compared with artificial weaning, natural weaning has more benefits for babies. Generally speaking, breast milk is rich in nutrients, and the proportion of various nutrients is moderate, which is suitable for babies to absorb. Among them, casein and albumin in human milk will be exposed to pepsin and intestinal trypsin after entering the digestive tract, facilitating the digestion and absorption of babies.


The proportion of calcium and phosphorus in breast milk is moderate, about 2:1, which is easier for babies to absorb, can help infants' bone development, and also has a certain preventive effect on rickets. At the same time, breast milk also contains a large amount of immunoglobulin, which can help babies improve their immunity and resist the invasion of external bacteria and viruses. Even after one year old, breast milk is still rich in nutrients.


In addition, natural weaning is more gradual, which can give the baby enough time to adapt. When the baby does not need to drink milk, we will guide weaning, and the baby's sense of security will be more sufficient. However, forced weaning may cause damage to both mother and child, which will not only make the baby feel insecure, but also adversely affect the mother.

If artificial weaning is carried out blindly, the mother's milk can not be discharged in time, which is easy to cause breast swelling. In serious cases, it may also cause breast duct blockage, even mastitis and other diseases.


However, natural weaning also has its disadvantages. Because the natural weaning time is generally longer, and the child is about to enter another growth stage after the age of 2, and needs to gradually adapt to group life, which may affect the independence and autonomy of the baby. And for mothers, it will increase the burden of feeding their children. Especially for women in the workplace, it will take longer to return to the workplace.

In addition to paying attention to the way of weaning, parents and friends should also pay attention to the time of weaning, so how old is the most scientific time for weaning?


There are different opinions about the weaning age of babies online. For example, a netizen said: "The baby should be weaned after 8 months. If it is not weaned, the child may not eat well"; Another netizen said, "At the age of 1.5, it should be broken, because there is no nutrition in breast milk at this time".

In fact, at present, there is no so-called standard age for the weaning age of babies, because each baby has individual differences and needs to be determined according to the baby's development status, and the best weaning age widely circulated online is not credible.


Generally speaking, babies from birth to their first birthday are called infancy or lactation. This period is the period when the baby's body develops more rapidly after birth. Each system organ will continue to develop and improve, and usually requires more calories and nutrients, especially protein and other substances.

In addition, the baby's digestion and absorption function is not perfect, and it is easy to have indigestion and other phenomena, and most of the baby's teeth are not fully grown during this period, and the chewing ability is limited. If the baby is weaned blindly at this time, it may affect the baby's intake of nutrients, malnutrition and other phenomena, so it is not suitable for weaning before the first year of life.


It is also not advisable for babies to be weaned at a later age. With the continuous development of the child's body, the breast milk of lactating women can no longer ensure that the baby has enough nutrition. If the baby is not weaned in time at this time, increase the proportion of complementary food intake, and simply rely on breast milk, the baby's nutrition may not keep up, and over time, the body may be weak, malnutrition and other phenomena.

In addition, the later the weaning time, the baby will also have too much dependence on the mother, which will not only lack the sense of independence, but may also develop a lonely and unsociable character. Therefore, parents and friends need to choose the appropriate weaning time according to the different constitution of the baby.


However, for most babies, it will be better to wean after one year of age, because at this time the baby's digestive system has been basically improved, the amount of milk is gradually reduced, and the demand for food will be relatively large, so parents and friends need to gradually add complementary foods to make up for the lack of nutrients in breast milk and prepare for weaning.

However, it should be noted that when weaning, do not be too hasty, and pay attention to methods and techniques. So, what are the proper methods for natural weaning?


Weaning is a necessary growth stage for every baby. If parents operate improperly and blindly wean the baby, it may affect the growth and development of the baby. So, what should we pay attention to when the baby is naturally weaned?

First of all, lactating female friends need to slowly reduce the number of breastfeeding, and also increase the interval between breastfeeding. For some women who don't have a lot of milk, they can gradually reduce the number of times of feeding according to the number of times their babies drink milk, which can not only reduce the resistance of the baby, and let the baby have a gradual process of adaptation, but also greatly help the female friends breast milk.


At the same time, lactating female friends can also reduce the time of single breast-feeding. During the weaning period of the baby, the lactating female friends should gradually reduce the feeding time according to the baby's performance, and try to complete the feeding in a short time, which can reduce the baby's sucking stimulation to himself, reduce the amount of breast milk secretion, and gradually achieve the effect of natural weaning.

In addition, when the baby is weaned, the lactating female friends should also focus on light diet. Eat more vegetables or fresh fruits, and correspondingly reduce the intake of high-protein substances. Try to eat less juice or foods that promote the secretion of milk, such as freshwater fish, beef and mutton, which are rich in protein, so as to reduce the secretion of milk and help the baby wean naturally.


In addition, parents and friends should add some complementary foods to the baby, such as rice porridge, rice flour or green vegetable juice, so that the child can reduce the dependence on breast milk. At the same time, you should take your baby to bask in the sun, which can not only promote calcium absorption, but also strengthen the body's resistance and help the baby grow more healthily.


When weaning babies, parents and friends should not only pay attention to the way of weaning, but also pay attention to the time of weaning, avoid early or late weaning, and try to gradually increase complementary food after the baby is one year old to prepare for subsequent weaning.


[1] Li Yuhan Infant weaning time and method of return [J] Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine, 1983

[1] Lili Proper weaning does not harm the baby's body and mind [J] Marriage and Health, 2011 (7X): 2

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