Does eating too much of this fruit lead to premature puberty?

There are fruits all year round, but are each fruit naturally ripe in season? In fact, the "poisonous" fruit incident is staged every day around us, which has become a serious threat to people's health, especially children's health. In order to pursue their own interests, some illegal traders use ripening agents to make fruits mature ahead of time. Does ripening fruit affect human health? Does the nutrition of ripening fruits change? Parents are more concerned about whether ripening fruits will lead to sexual precocity in children?

Does ripening fruit cause sexual precocity in children?

Some people worry that eating ripening fruits will make children sexually precocious. Experts said that such concerns were unnecessary. The sexual maturity of children is regulated by sex hormones, and neither ethylene nor ethephon, a ripening agent, can show a sex hormone like effect in the human body, nor participate in the synthesis of sex hormones, let alone cause precocious puberty in children.


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Does ripening fruit affect human health?

All plant growth regulators approved for use in China need to undergo safety evaluation. The state has strict standards for the amount and time of use of growth regulators. Different fruits are different. According to the national standard GB2763, the residue of ethephon in kiwifruit, banana, pineapple and litchi is not more than 2 mg/kg, and the residue of clopidourea in kiwifruit and grape is not more than 0.05 mg/kg. As long as it is used in accordance with the national standard and within the approved scope, it can ensure food safety.

Do not overdo ripening fruits

The quality of fruits ripened with ripening agents, hormones and other chemicals is affected firstly, and the taste, color and sweetness will be worse; Secondly, its nutritional value will also be reduced, because in the process of ripening, the production of sugar will be reduced, and the synthesis of vitamins will be reduced. Ripening agent ethephon is relatively safe, because fruits also produce ethylene during natural ripening. The use of plant hormones is also different from animal hormones. The observed toxicity is small, but excessive use is not allowed.


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Will fruit growers and traders add excessive ripening agents?

The use of ripening agent has a special property: a small amount is good, while a large amount is bad. For example, a certain concentration of ripening agent can accelerate the ripening of fruit, but if used too much, the fruit will ripen too quickly and be prone to corruption, which is not conducive to transportation and storage.

Source: Science Grand View Garden

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